{begin script} Atland Worship Site Atland Gold Cave Elf Field Voloh Philips Castle Dwarf Desert Denegul Dwarf Cave Silence Cave Hobbit Valley Poper Worship Site Siegfried Castle Gnome Tree Lilaty Gnome Plain Ice Cave Nymph Spring Phantom Hill Cloud Lagoon Castle Silence Terrace Short Sword Silver Sword Magic Sword Force Sword Moon Blade Bandit Armor Gold Armor Sonic Armor Thunder Armor Moon Armor Iron Shield Large Shield Great Shield Maxim Shield Moon Shield Protective Ring Power Ring Defensive Ring Curing Ring Time Ring Earth Staff Sky Staff Star Staff Moon Staff Fire Crystal Wind Crystal Water Crystal Thunder Crystal Healing Pot Shiny Ball Shiny Stone Elixir Bright Stone Life Ball Samson's Key Key of Philips Key of Prison Mint Duma's Key Key of Siegfried Movable Mantle Ancient Book Freezing Pot Thor's Pendant Powerful Mirror Moon Stone Angel's Bell Truth Fire Fur Mantle Statue Tablet of Faith Tablet of Wish Tablet of Hope Armor Shop Weapon Shop Thor Mathias Zerah Place of Faith Mayor's House Mayor's Wife Restaurant Nymph SAMSON NATELA EARDON DUMA THIMALE BATTLER ELLA West Northeast North East South Southeast Northwest Hey! NASIR! Going shopping today? Did you save GILES? That's amazing. Hey, NASIR! Long time no see. How's MATHIAS? MATHIAS is a great wizard. You must use magic as well as MATHIAS or you'll never be a great hero. I believe there is an Elves' village called Volah up the river from this village... But I don't know how to get there! What should we do if the well water becomes dirtier and undrinkable? Is it true that GILES is all alone in the demons' cave? I'm worried... Did you really save GILES all by yourself? You're magnificent! Truly magnificent! The Mayor seems to be worried about something. I wonder what about? I can't believe that there are demons in that cave... Everybody is talking about you in the village! It's amazing you alone fought against the demons! The largest house in this village is the Mayor's! GILES is OK, right? He'll be safe, right? Right? Was GILES really OK? Oh, I'm so glad. Ah... NASIR, dear. I have not been well these days. I heard demons were found in that cave. You need a staff and a crystal to use magic. I heard that the Earth Staff is at the village of Voloh, but I'm not sure. The water has been getting muddy lately. I hope nothing bad will happen... NASIR! Please! You, the Champion of the Light, are the only one who can save Lakeland. Hey, NASIR! By the way, I just mentioned to the cleric that the water is getting muddy. That's never happened before. What could be causing this? Well, NASIR, you have become so strong in such a short time. Well, NASIR. Are you looking for someone? What? GILES is in the demons' cave? That's quite serious! We should all go to the Mayor's house to discuss this. NASIR... No matter what happens, you must not lose faith! You need the Mayor's permission to get in here! Go home, kids! Go home! It's too dangerous! Don't go in! They are mining gold from this cave. The roof might cave in so kids shouldn't get too close. Hey, hey... Are you going in there without a weapon? There are demons in there! Who did such a thing? But this wound doesn't seem to be from a knife. Oh? He seems to be trying to say something. What a tragedy! GILES is in the demons' cave! Let me handle this. You go and tell the cleric about this. A man stumbled out of the cave and fell to the ground. D...D...Demons! ..a...are.. in the ca...cave! G...GILES is in the cave. We...we must hurry...and ...and rescue him! Cough! GI...GILES is ..in the cave... NASIR! Is that you? I'm not seeing an illusion, am I? The demons seem to be afraid of the light. They didn't follow me up here..., but I got hurt along the way! I wish I had the Healing Pot which can cure anything immediately. Do you have it, NASIR? Thank you... I'll take it! Ugh... it's bitter! Ugh!! Yuck! Yuck... It doesn't hurt so much now! I can't go back to the village alone. Take me home! Don't leave me here! Please! Get the Healing Pot for me! My feet hurt and I can't take even one step! I want to go home soon... The old lady faith healer is in this house! Look! What's a tablet doing here! Let's find another one! Philips Castle is at the east side of the village. I know everything about that castle. A legend says that every 1000 years, when sunlight hits the castle, it is put to sleep for one year. The three tablets with the spell which can break the sleep are scattered around this village. Unfortunately, the castle was put to sleep with our friends trapped inside. I can read the spell... Good job! Philips Castle is no longer what is used to be. I heard demons control the castle now. They sell good armor at Denegul. But, you'll have to save your money. I found a pendant at the village border. Is this yours? Be careful not to drop it again. This is a village of Elves. It's not a place for human beings. It's a surprise to find that it was one so young who saved our friends! Some people went to Philips Castle because the water got muddy. Something seems to be wrong at the castle. None of them have come back. I hope they are okay. Thank you. My brother went to the castle, too. Thank you so much. Philips Castle used to be a beautiful castle. But Princess FELICIA disappeared from the castle. Since then, the castle has been controlled by demons. I'm worried about Princess FELICIA. If you defeat NATELA, the right door of Philips Castle will open. Thank you very much for saving us then. You saved our life! But... Did you find Princess FELICIA? We must hurry.... You saved our life! Thank you very much. The right door of Philips Castle has been locked. So, we cannot get to Denegul. I wonder how we can open it? Thank you so much. You really saved us. It'll really help if you have the Shiny Ball from the weapon shop! It'll speed up the recovery of HP and MP. Oh! It's NASIR! Let's play together! Before the Princess disappeared, a spooky looking woman was wandering around the castle. There may be a connection between the princess' disappearance and the woman. The Lakeland royal family is said to have had the power to make Lagoon Castle float in the air. This was done to protect the castle from disasters on the ground. A man named ZERAH came to this village the other day. He had the smell of black magic. He scared me. Thank you, NASIR. Where could it be? Let's take the tablet to the old man now. Ah! Did you come here to save us? You brought the Movable Mantle, didn't you? Thank you! Now we can go back to the village! By the way, we found out that this is the key to the stairs leading to the second floor of this castle. Thanks so much. We'll go home now. Please be careful. What shall we do? Princess FELICIA was taken away by a strange woman! Now we are safe. I bet everybody is worried about us. Bow, Wow! Cock-a-doodle-do! Oh... Please rescue GILES before it's too late. You can get inside Philips Castle with this spell. According to what I've learned, one tablet is hidden on the plain, and another is in the castle site. I noticed that a man in blue had the last tablet. Oh, no! The entrance of the cave was buried by the earthquake. I can't go back now! NASIR, I have raised you to be the Champion of the Light... Now it is time for you to fulfill your destiny. Listen carefully. The water around Lakeland has recently become muddy. It must be a sign of something evil. The muddy water must have something to do with the demons that are appearing everywhere. I want you to find out the cause and bring pure water back to this land. First, you should go to Atland which you know well. NASIR! We should go rescue GILES together! What? No, it's too dangerous. Phew! You did it! I want to be like you when I grow up. My boyfriend... His job is to dig gold. Now he is working with GILES in the Gold Cave. Ah... He... he was attacked by demons! What shall I do if he dies? I heard GILES was okay. My boyfriend's wound was also not so bad. He-he-he. When I was walking in the desert the other day, I found a gorgeous lady. But... she looked a little scary... It's so tiring... I want to rest... Hey, kid! If you came all the way to this village, you should go to the Armor Shop! You'll find something unique to this village. In the Dwarf Cave, there is a path leading to Hobbit Valley... But the entrance was blocked. I wish we had the Freezing Pot... Ah... I'm tired... We have to slow down once in a while, or we'll kill ourselves. Cough! Cough! We dwarfs are masters at making weapons! This is especially true of the elders who are sword specialists. I must take good care of my parents... Go away! Go away! Oh! I'm so busy! I mean it! Don't disturb me. I'm very busy! The Dwarf Cave in the east is a horrible cave... Women and children should never go near it! What? A kid like you went into the cave? How could you get out of there alive? Have you ever seen the Moon Stone? Wh... Where is one? If you have one, show it to me. Oh, really? Even if just once, I want to see it before I die. Oh! This is the legendary Moon Stone! It's shining nobly. I'm glad I'm alive... I want to give you this as a token of my appreciation. The Freezing Pot can open the entrance blocked by lava! So you are NASIR, the Champion of the Light. As one of the village elders, I have something to tell you. It is about the Moon Blade. You will need the sword in the near future! The Moon Blade is made of a legendary stone called Moon Stone! Here is an ancient book about the Moon Blade. Please take it... It is said that the Moon Stone seems to be in the Dwarf Cave. But the entrance is blocked by rocks... If you can get in, use this book! First of all, get the Moon Stone! Good luck! The Moon Stone you possess will become the Moon Blade! No... It's not here... Where did I lose it? My parents, my girlfriend... all became ill and died. It is difficult to stay alive. The disease has gone now, but the people who died will never come back... This is the Hobbits' village... It used to be very lively, but now it's deserted. An epidemic has spread in the village due to the water of Lagoon Castle. You should leave before you get it. The people here are feeling better. But, unless the water becomes clean, people all over the land will become ill. Ah... all the people will die... What should we do? I never realized that there was a cure for the disease! Thank you! Ah... I feel weak... I'm afraid I got the disease. I'm going to die... Unbelievable! I feel much better! Ah... help! Please help my daughter! My daughter is better! Thank you! Wow! Now I can play outside! Wow! Wow! Thank you! NASIR! It seems like a dream that I was suffering in bed. Thank you so much! Oh, how wonderful to be healthy! Ah... Where can I find medicine for my mother's sickness? My mother got better thanks to you. Thank you! Cough! Cough! I really can't believe it! Miracles really do occur! Blessed by the waters from Lagoon Castle, this village prospered. But that's all in the past. Recently, the waters have become muddy, and disease has swept through the town. Ahh...if only we had some Mint, which is said to cure anything, everyone would be cured instantly. There is some Mint in Siegfried Castle, but there are demons there and we can't even get near it. This...Isn't this Mint? Thank you so much. If I prepare a tea from this, those who drink it will be cured instantly. The spirits in the basement, which you enter through the window on the right, must be very happy. Thank you very much! The scoundrels who are contaminating our nation's water seem to be in Siegfried Castle. If we don't destroy them and make our water clean, disease will spread through our village again. Thank you so much for curing all the people of the village. NASIR, the Champion of the Light! We have awaited your arrival. We want to talk to you about something. Please speak to each of us starting with the one nearest the entrance. The power of the Light, which can be seen within you, searches out Darkness. Without darkness, your light cannot shine. Darkness gives us rest and relaxation. Light gives us courage and hope. Light and Darkness were not originally meant to be separated. From here on, you will experience many hardships. But, you will become a real hero after having overcome these obstacles. You must not give up. The only road is that which lies straight ahead. I will give you the Star Staff. Please use it well. Please use the Star Staff effectively. The people in this village are quite playful. They are also very innocent. Please do not take them too seriously. By the way, my father used to say that the world will be saved when Light and Darkness become one. Do you understand what it means? I've been thinking about it for a long time... When Light and Darkness become one, the world will be saved. I can't forget these words. There are Nymphs in the spring behind the Ice Cave. They used to come to our village...but they don't any more. They might be hiding because demons appeared in the Ice Cave. Nymphs might be of help because they have mysterious powers. Defeat the demons and call the Nymphs with the Angel's Bell! Call the Nymphs with the Angel's Bell. They will help you greatly. I miss the Nymphs. The Ice Cave in the north of this village is so cold that you'll freeze once you step inside. If you go into the cave, you will need to wear the Fur Mantle, or you would die quickly. You will survive in the cave if you wear the Fur Mantle. Be careful. Someone in the village has the Fur Mantle. I wonder who it could be... So you found the Fur Mantle. I had a feeling that he was the man. Everybody tells me that I'm an honest man. Do you think I'm lying? No way! I've never lied in my life! That's right! I'm the most honest man in this village! Everybody tells me I'm a liar... You believe that I'm not a liar, don't you? No way! I've never told the truth in my life! How did you find out? Yes, I'm the most notorious liar in this village. I'll give you the Fur Mantle as your reward. Use the Fur Mantle carefully. I won't tell you again, but I'm the most honest person in this village. There is a big liar in this village. He has the Fur Mantle. If you meet a liar, use this Truth Fire. No one can lie in front of this fire. It seems that the Truth Fire worked. I'm glad that I could be of help. It will be nice and cool if you go into the Ice Cave without heavy clothing! You'll be frozen if you go into the Ice Cave without the Fur Mantle. Please be careful. It will be nice and cool in the Ice Cave without the Fur Mantle. Where did you come from? I've never seen you before. Yeah! Yeah! You're good looking! Ah... You have short legs... Ooh, what a surprise! I didn't expect a human being to come in. We have a problem! ZERAH brought the evil spirit back to life. We can't defeat it without the Moon Blade. Do you have the Moon Blade? I think... there was a tablet about the Moon Blade in the backyard. Let me tell you something useful. You can go back to the castle from this spot. Be careful! ZERAH revived the evil spirit. ZERAH and THOR must be in the secret place underneath the castle. Please hurry! But at the south of the stairs... there is an entrance to go back to the castle. Please be careful. Oh! I waited for you to come! I'm the king of the castle, but my daughter FELICIA is trapped in the mirror on the fourth floor. FELICIA is the only person in our family who can move the castle and open the door to the secret place. The secret place is a very important and necessary place for us, no, for all the people in Lakeland. But... if magic is used there, the power will be tripled. If it is used for evil purposes, it would be disastrous. That's why the power was given to the Lakeland family to protect Lagoon Castle... We will be okay, so please help FELICIA. To get her out of the mirror, you will need the statue located somewhere on this floor. You need the statue to save FELICIA. Please save her before the secret place is used in an evil way. Use the statue on the crest in the room where FELICIA is trapped. Make sure you use it while facing FELICIA. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for saving my daughter. NASIR... He's not dead yet... He is just unconscious. I must make him tell where FELICIA is trapped before I finish him off. With all my strength, I will blow you off to the clouds! Puff! You can get to the secret place from behind the mirror. Please hurry! ZERAH may have brought the evil spirit back to life using THOR's power. Please hurry! Ha-ha-ha. Even if I die, THOR will make Darkness rule over the world! THOR must have brought the evil spirit back to life by now. THOR! Show him your real power! Gu... THOR! Are you all right? Ah! It is the... .....? .....! ...THOR... My dearest sons... You did a great job! I must apologize to both of you. I forced you into this tragic destiny. Battles only create sadness. Besides, you had to fight against each other even though you are brothers. I'm very sorry! From now on, NASIR, you will keep the balance between Light and Darkness and build a peaceful world. THOR, you stay with NASIR and help him. Combine your power and make sure this tragedy never repeated. This is your duty! Help... please help! When the moonlight comes into the castle's terrace, hold the Moon Stone - a drop of the moon - to the sky. Power will be given only to the person who controls the power of Light, and the Moon Blade will be created. Siegfried Castle is now controlled by a demon called DUMA. On the third floor of the castle, there is a warp point that goes upstream... DUMA locked the entrance to the second floor to keep the people of Lakeland from Lagoon Castle. Here is a key to DUMA's room. I'll give it to you. Please defeat DUMA and go to Lagoon Castle as soon as possible. Mr. Hero... I can see some suffering in your future. But as long as you keep light in your heart, the spirits will help you. If you use the Truth Fire, no one can tell a lie. Find it, and use it on the crest in the room where FELICIA is trapped. Make sure you use it facing her. Oh... NASIR... Ah! You're once again yourself. I... ...I'm all right. Don't worry. Well... I'm so sorry that I brought the evil spirit back to life. Together, We were supposed to protect this world. But, instead, we fought each other. I'll give you... this pendant... Don't forget me... ...! THOR! My soul is now in the pendant. NASIR... Now you must defeat the evil spirit alone! And protect this world! You have the power of Light and Darkness. You can do it! What? I can't do it alone! Don't worry. You can do it. I'll be with you and will watch over you all the time. The weapons and armor will be useless unless you equip yourself with them. Be careful! Oh! GILES has come back safely! You're a good fighter. Ah! You bought the Short Sword! Good luck! I'm glad... I'm glad... There is a locked door on the first floor of the cave. I wonder what's inside... What... What happend? Do you hear me? A miracle happened by the power of the secret place. ...... My dear son, NASIR... I once locked up the evil spirit, and sent you and THOR to keep it from reviving... I never thought that anybody would use THOR's power to create the world of Darkness... What an irony... The power of Darkness is too strong now. You must stop the evil. It's for THOR too. The Moon Stone turned into the Moon Blade by absorbing energy from the moonlight! Now, go forth and stop the forces of Darkness! Thank you! I've made it home safely, thanks to you! By the way, about the locked door in the cave... I heard the old woman faith healer talk about it! Talk to her if you are interested in it. So long! Let's try to find the tablet individually. Oh, you found it! Umm... the spell is ... Hieke Larmerila Kemuhi. Ha-ha-ha... You fool! You wouldn't have to die if you had just gone home... But I'll praise your bravery! I'll show you my cute pet! Come out, EARDON! Take care of him slowly! Ha-ha-ha. You are NASIR. Your journey is going to end here. This will be your final resting place! You have come this far... But I can't let you go any further. Soon, the great evil spirit will rise. Your head will decorate Lord THOR's throne. Ha-ha-ha. How do you feel about fighting the evil spirit? You think you could defeat the evil spirit but, no, his power is much greater. You just woke up the evil spirit from a long sleep. THOR brought the evil spirit come back to life. But it must be you, the Champion of the Light, who woke him up. Soon, the evil spirit will rise again, thanks to THOR's power. I don't have to bother them. I'll be the one who fights against you! Long, long ago, the power of Darkness grew, and the evil spirit was born from its energy. The gods fought the evil spirit in a fierce battle. And, finally, the Moon Blade shut out the power of Darkness. Worried about the revival of the evil spirit, the gods sent two lives to earth($3A) one of the Light, and one of Darkness. Light and Darkness... If the balance between them is kept, the evil spirit will never return. Something is written in letters I've never seen. Wait... ZERAH! I'll defeat you! What? MATHIAS? When did you...? I won't let you do things freely anymore. Darn it! You should be dead by now! You'll never stop me now. I'll soon have great power. You're disgusting, ZERAH! Shut up! Get ready! Oh no! ZERAH has escaped! NASIR... It's time to tell you the truth. You and THOR are both sons of the gods. The son of Light, and the son of Darkness. Each with a different destiny. Uh? ...! No! I was not defeated yet! You'll see...The evil spirit will come back to life soon! Ha-ha-ha! May the gods hear our wish! Please wake up the door of hope from its deep sleep. Hieke Larmerila Kemuhi! Thank you very much. By the way, something serious happened. ZERAH and THOR finally got into the underground secret place. THOR is controlled by ZERAH. I, too, was controlled by ZERAH and made the door to the secret place open without realizing it. He may... ZERAH might have brought the evil spirit back to life by using THOR's power. ZERAH is an evil warlock. If he controls the world of Darkness... You can get to the secret place from the back of the mirror. Please hurry! Mother! Are you okay? My son... Cough! Get out of this village... I can't ... Cough! Cough! What are you talking about? You'll get better soon! Hey! NASIR! We bump into each other often. But what are you doing here? Lord... Lord THOR... You mustn't get close to him. What do you mean, BATTLER!? What did he do? He's my friend! Lord THOR, He's the Champion of the Light and he's trying to ruin our plans. Lord THOR, it won't be good for you to associate with the Champion of the Light. That's a lie. THOR is not the kind of person who would do such a thing. Wh... what! Ha Ha Ha, NASIR! No matter how much you struggle, it's too late. Look at that! Ha-ha-ha. Now the secret place of Lagoon Castle is all ours... No one can do anything while the castle is floating in the air! Lord THOR! We cannot stay here. We must hurry to Lagoon Castle! No! NASIR!... NASIR! Hurry up! now, I have to force you to... You should go now. We'll blow you off to Phantom Hill. There's a problem! What? You're so noisy! The man who just came out of the cave... pant... pant... was hurt badly... pant... pant... Anyway, please come right away. THOR! Wake up! I don't want to fight you! Oh, no! You're not the THOR I know. Do I really have to fight you...? It's amazing you could come this far. But I won't let you go any farther! ...... You defeated {var}! The man who is in the {var} wants to talk to you... Listen to him first. 14 years ago, I heard an oracle which told me to come to Phantom Hill. When I came here, two babies came down to earth upon a beam of light. They were you and THOR! But when I tried to pick both of you up, ZERAH appeared and took THOR away. My name is FELICIA. I was kidnapped by a witch named ELLA and brought here. They intend to use my power to move Lagoon Castle to an inaccessible place. It'll be the end of the world. There's a secret place in the castle where the power of magic will be multiplied. If they use magic to revive the evil spirit, it will be terrible! Please rescue me from here! Quickly! I looked all over for you, Princess FELICIA. You shouldn't try to escape from me. Now come! If you want to stay alive, keep away from this! You heard about ZERAH's scheme. It was ZERAH who made the water all over the country muddy, and summoned the demons! We must stop him! For all the people in the country. Now, NASIR! You must go. There are many strong demons at Lagoon Castle. Use this crystal. ...... We made it, NASIR! I have something to take care of. I'm leaving now. So long. I am impressed that you made it this far, NASIR! But... I'll never let you get close to Lagoon Castle! Why don't you understand? The evil spirit has great power. If I use it, there's nothing I can't do. THOR can call upon the power! I've raised him for that reason. You must not disturb us now! It was a surprise that you and THOR knew each other. THOR is still young. He said he couldn't kill you. Well... He-he-he. THOR doesn't have to do that. I'll kill you instead! You are the hero, NASIR. We've been waiting for you to come. ZERAH is heading for Phantom Hill to go to Lagoon Castle. I'll give you the Moon Staff. You can use it properly. Oh! It's you, NASIR dear! Did you come to see my husband? Sorry, but he went to the worship site a little while ago. I'm sorry. He's not back yet. Ah... NASIR! You came here at just the right time. Wait a second. Please be careful... You did your best. Thank you. Oh, NASIR, we've been talking about GILES. You, the Champion of the Light, seem to be the only one who can get into the cave. Please put these on and get ready to go. We'll keep the entrance to the cave open. Prepare yourself before you go. Sorry... Good luck! Thank you... I knew you could do it! Really? You're interested in the door... There's a demon called SAMSON in there. MATHIAS and I once locked him in with this key. Take this key if you are confident that you can defeat him! SAMSON became more powerful with the evil water from Lagoon Castle. And he's calling the demons to the cave! Be careful! What do you want? Go home! There must be a path from the room of SAMSON to the Elf Field. The water from Lagoon Castle makes Lakeland fruitful. If the water becomes dirty, we can't serve good food to our customers. I heard that demons appeared in the cave... It's terrible... Oh! You must be the famous Champion of the Light! I have a favor to ask of you. Please save the people caught in Philips Castle. Will you? Thank you. Hand this Movable Mantle to our friends caught in Philips Castle. Then they can come back to the village. I see... That's too bad. Thank you. This village will become peaceful again. I travel alone and visit many villages. So I have things, many rare items. Do you want to get into Philips Castle? About the tablets to get in the castle... I have one of them. If you want to look for the other one, I'll help you! I am THOR. We can be good friends. Hand this Movable Mantle to our friends caught there. I'll look forward to your safe return. I'm sorry. I have nothing you need. A thief took everything the other day. I'm sorry... We are not open yet. Please come back again. And I'll give you this Earth Staff. You can use it well. But... there are some places where you can't use magic, so be careful. I'll look forward to your safe return. When the old woman faith healer was young, there was a path from the Gold Cave to the Elf Field. I wonder how many centuries ago it was... Ah... NASIR! I'm in trouble because I lost my pendant somewhere. Can you look for it, please? Really? I had it when I was in Voloh, so I may have lost it around there... I'll give you something in return later. I'm counting on you. Hmph! What a knave! I'm relieved... You really helped me out. Thank you. I made the promise on my honor. I'll give you this Powerful Mirror! This mirror has the power to smash big rocks into pieces! It will help you! I must go now. I have a feeling that I'll see you again. So long! I think the pendant is somewhere near the village of Voloh. Please find it! Ha-ha-ha! Princess FELICIA is said to have possessed strange powers since she was born. It's true! Ha-ha-ha. Cough! NASIR! I wish we could celebrate our reunion, but I don't have time. I found out where the missing Princess FELICIA is now. She was kidnapped by a woman called ELLA and is kept in Dwarf Cave. ELLA is working for ZERAH. ZERAH is trying to revive the evil spirit using the power of Darkness. And he intends to use FELICIA in the plan. Do not let him touch FELICIA! Go back to the Dwarf Cave and save the princess! What do you want? ??? YES NO SAVE ? YES NO YES NO SAVE finished. G A M E O V E R Continue New game Erase Continue New game Erase Continue New game Erase Are you sure? YES NO YES NO LAGOON EDIT MODE MAP LEVEL SWORD FULL ARMOR FULL SHIELD FULL RING FULL MAGIC FULL ITEM FULL PUSH START BUTTON You get {var}! You get {var} gold! May I help you? Not enough money! 2 pcs are too much Thank you! What do you want? Can I help you? Not enough money. 2 pcs are too much Thank you! What do you want? Can I help you? Not enough money. 2 pcs are too much Thank you! What do you want? Can I help you? Not enough money! 2 pcs are too much Thank you! What do you want? {end script}