Secret Place: a Lagoon fansite


My alias is Europea on GameFAQs, and GladysKnight in some other places, and this is a fansite for Lagoon.

Some history: this site was first built in summer of 2007. It was pretty minimal and was on a free, ad-supported host (Freehostia). Over time more and more content was added, until eventually it outgrew that host. In early 2010 I purchased the domain name and hosting it uses now. After the move, I simply mirrored all the content. The Freehostia site retired itself some time after that, so now this is the one location.

Lagoon being a retro game, it felt fitting to make the appearance and site functions kind of retro. I deliberately avoided adding Web 2.0 types of things, such as wiki features, blogging/tag clouds, social media integration, etc. into the site and also to keep it free of ads.

Lagoon is one of my earliest and most cherished childhood-video game memories, despite some objective things I might say about its quality now. On some level I think it really can stand up to the more 'famous' titles even though the game mechanics are really simple. I hope a publisher or developer picks it up someday and releases a sequel.

Or even if they can't make a sequel, it would be nice to see a revival of the game for DS or maybe on Virtual Console. There have been many older RPGs that were re-released for DS, so who knows.